A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava Read online
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“Tell mi wat yuh a tinking,” he said making me look at him.
“All that love shit you talking I ain't down with. I just want a nut, nothing more, nothing less and I told you that from the beginning.”
“Dat was seven monds ago. I dought wi were past dat.”
“No, looks like your past that.”
My heart still belonged to Ayce and even though he can't see it right now, we were going to be together one day.
He looked into my eyes and all I could see was rage, but I am Duce's daughter so I ain't never scared.
“Well ramp yuh to sketel.”
I laughed at him as I walked out the door. Poor baby whipped over this pussy.
Chapter 3
Me playing the role of a weak bitch was becoming harder and harder, because I was far from weak. My name is KaMia Michelle Douglas, a 26-year-old, caramel bombshell that uses what I have to get what I want. My father, Lovell 'Mook' Douglas, God rest his soul, was a Boss. The streets bowed down to his every command until he was killed. I was only 6 at the time and didn't understand why my daddy had left us. I remember sitting by the window in our three-bedroom house in Shaker, waiting for him day after day, until one day the police came knocking at our door, telling my mother my daddy was found dead in an abandoned house on Lakeside. They say he died of an overdose, but my mother knew he was killed ‘cause my daddy didn't do drugs. I cried my eyes out when my mother told me that my daddy was dead. My brother, who is only a year older than me, acted like it didn’t faze him, but I knew it hurt him as well.
My mother raised me and my brother the best she could. We had to move out of our house in Shaker and into a tiny apartment off Hough in Cleveland. I hated living in the hood and wished we could move back to Shaker. My mother worked three jobs and a couple of nights a week, I’d see random niggas leaving from her room at all times of the night, so no doubt she was turning tricks. Some days my brother and I didn't even have food. The kids at school made fun of us because our clothes were always dingy and our shoes were too small, or had holes in them. My brother started hustling when he turned 16 to help my mom out around the house. He was bringing in hella money and my mother quit two of her jobs. Everything was everything until he got locked up and my mother and I were back at square one. But, soon my brother would be home and I am glad because I am growing tired of playing little miss housewife, and more than ready to see the Cummings get what's coming to them.
I have been married to Duce for two years now and I am ready to put my plan in to motion. This spoiled bitch, Ava had me all the way fucked up. She walks around acting like she is untouchable because she is Duce's daughter, but I’mma show her ass she ain't as untouchable as she thinks, I thought as I eased myself down in the hot bath water. I had to take a bath before I went the fuck off. The way I see it, me and my brother should have had all the shit Ava grew up with, but Duce saw fit to end my daddy's life just to move up in rank. Ava and Duce had no idea the shit I was about to unleash on them. My family and I would have the last laugh. Don't believe me just watch.
Getting out of the tub, I went into my room and rubbed lotion on my body. I didn't have anything planned for the day and I felt like shopping, so I decided to hit up my little cousin, Jasmine to see if she wanted to roll with me. She was a key part of my plan and I have to make sure she was down for what I needed her to do.
“Hey mama,” she said answering the phone.
“I'm about to hit up the mall, you wanna roll?”
“Yeah, I'm game because Man Man and Octavia are with their daddies and I could use a little girl time. Give me an hour and I will be there.”
“I'll be ready.”
Jasmine has two kids by two nothing ass niggas and fell on some hard times, so she moved in with my mother until she can get back on her feet. She was very quiet, but very lethal as well. She didn't take shit from nobody and if you tried her, you might wind up with your throat slit. She wasn't in to arguing or fighting, just laying your ass out. Even at the age of 18, she has dropped at least two bodies and won't hesitate to drop more if she needed to.
Hanging up the phone, I threw on my red and black Gucci sundress with my big Gucci floppy hat and my black Gucci heels. I didn't believe in mismatching labels, so if I am wearing Gucci, everything I have on will be Gucci.
Pulling up to pick up Jasmine in my white Volvo S60, of course all eyes were on me. Jasmine got in the car wearing an orange jumpsuit from BeBe, with some gold heels and her hair pulled up in a messy bun. For a girl that didn't have money, she always looked like money.
Arriving at the mall, I decide to let my little cousin pick out whatever she wanted. She even picked out some clothes for the kids and I paid for it all.
“How is my cousin holding up?” she asked.
“He’s good. Just three more months and he will be out and I can't wait. I'm going to visit him next week.
“That's what's up. You know you a bad bitch. I don't know any other bitch that can pull the shit off you about to pull off.”
“Well I can't do it by myself.”
I looked around hoping nobody was around to hear our conversation.
“I hate to ask, but does Slick still mess around with Ava? I'm only asking because I might need your help. I need you to get Slick to do something for me.”
Slick is Man Man's father, but he also works for Duce and I know from talking to Jasmine that he’s not feeling Duce at the moment. I don't know what went down, but I can use it to my advantage.
“That nigga mess with so many hoes I can't tell you if he does or not. But it's no problem at all. That nigga will do anything I ask him to do to get back in my good graces. Just let me know what you need him to do,” Jasmine said, and all I could do was smile. Everything is coming together like I planned.
Chapter 4
It had been at least a couple years since I had seen Ava. It’s funny, too, because we’re from the same hood. Ava looked sexy as hell and even under the fucked up circumstances, my dick jumped just by looking at her. She had cut her hair and I usually didn't go for girls with short hair, but for her I would definitely make an exception. From her caramel skin, her juicy, glossy lips, her thick hips and her fat ass hanging out the bottom of her shorts, all I could think of was her being face down, ass up.
When she sat next to me, she smelled so good. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but Remy walked in and shut that thought down fast.
My nigga, Ric came to swoop me up bright and early, and I was happy to go along for the ride because I needed to get out the house and away from Remy.
It had now been almost a week since my mother had died, and my sister and I were struggling getting money together to give our mother a proper burial.
“You sure you don't want me to help? Your mother was like a mother to me too, and it would only be right for me to help give her a proper burial,” Ric said as we drove around in his cherry red GMC Acadia Denali.
Ric is my day one nigga. Besides him, the only other nigga I was cool with was Damon, and he is locked up. Ric is five years older than me, but we both come from the same fucked up hood. The only other difference between us is that he has money and lots of it. Ric's grandmother died when he was like 16 and he was pretty much on his own since then. He stayed with us for a while until my mother found out he was selling drugs for Duce. My mother loved Ric like a son, but no way was she going for that, so she put him out. He lived from pillow to post for a couple of weeks until he could find somewhere that would rent to a 16 year old. Since then, he might have had 99 problems, but money sure wasn't one. He gets hella racks grinding and honestly I would definitely need to be looking into his line of work because with mama gone, I was going to have to take care of me and Kalie, and working at the corner store just wasn't going to work.
“You know I hate asking for a hand out,” I said.
“Wait nigga, a handout? Is that what you think this is? This ain't no handout, this is me taki
ng care of my family. You my nigga almost like a brotha, so swallow your pride nigga.”
“I hear you, but I just wish I could handle this on my own, but the way my pockets are set up, I'm not going to be able to bury my mother without your help. I might even need you to holla at Duce and set up a meeting for me, because I need to be able to provide for us.”
“Whateva you need baby boy, you know I got you. I'll set up a meeting for you to talk to Duce, but don't get wrapped up in this life. You almost finish with school, don't fuck up now. You got what, three more years and you'll be a big time lawyer. Now let's get everything ready so we can lay your mother to rest in style.”
“I hear you,” I said, “but yo, I want to find that nigga Joe too. When my momma went down all I could think about is tending to her. By the time I thought about the nigga, he was ghost,” I said thinking back to that night.
“Already got my ear to the streets about that nigga. He won’t be able to hide long.”
May 16, 2015
It was the day of my mother’s funeral and I knew I had to be strong for my sister. My nigga Ric came through and the sky was the limit. From the flowers, to the Donna Karan dress, and the cream plush casket my mother was laid to rest in. Everything that I wanted to lay my mother to rest inhedid no questions, no limit. We didn't really belong to a church so instead of having the funeral at a church, I decided to have it at the cemetery. Besides the fact that I had to bury my mother, it turned out to be a nice day, almost like she was shining down on us. When it was time for me to give the eulogy, I almost broke down, but all I could think of is my baby sister. Her and my mother was very close. They used to do each other’s hair, paint each other’s nails, cook together and a whole bunch of other things women do together. Kalie was only 16 years old and I could see she was trying to hold it together for me, while I was trying to hold it together for her. It was just her and I now, and I had to make sure we were good. We were all we had left. After I gave the eulogy, my sister read a poem she wrote and that was the end. I opted not to stay and watch my mother being lowered into the ground, because that would for sure be my breaking point.
“You did good bae,” Remy said walking over to me, as I walked toward my rental car to wait for my sister. The closer I got to my car, I saw Ava standing there looking fine as hell in an all-black dress that gripped her curves in a tasteful way. I had to say I was surprised to see her at my mother’s funeral, but then again, everyone that knew my mother loved her. When I got closer to her, she put her arms around me and gave me a hug. It felt so good having her this close to me again. When she released me I could tell she had been crying.
“The service was beautiful,” she said before we were interrupted by Remy.
“Umm, why do you always have to be up in somebody else’s man’s face?” Remy asked trying to hold my hand.
“I was just paying my respects, nothing more,” Ava said.
“Well, you don't have to be all over him to pay your respects. So you can”
I stopped Remy right in the middle of her sentence. I couldn't believe she was trying to start drama at my mother’s funeral.
“Remy, are you serious right now?” I asked pulling my hand away from her and turning toward her.
“What you mean am I serious right now? You got this bitch hanging all over you like I'm not even standing here. I mean what the fuck. Who’s been by your side since your mother was killed? It definitely ain't been this bitch, it’s been me,” she said pointing her finger in Ava's face.
“Let’s get this straight, we ain't a couple, we just fuckin’, so don't be worried about what I'm doing with the next one. Second of all, I just had to put my mother in the ground and you standing here being petty as fuck.”
“Who the fuck you think you talking to Ayce? You not just going to treat me like shit because this hoe standing here.”
“Get the fuck out my face Remy. Just go. I don't want to see you or hear your voice right now. Matter of fact, whatever we had is a wrap,” I said dismissing her.
“Ava, thank you so much for coming and I apologize for the ignorance.”
I could still hear Remy flippin’ and trippin’ as I walked away to get in the car.
Finally arriving at home, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.
I woke up to my sister screaming my name. I jumped out the bed and ran upstairs. As soon as I saw what was going on, gunshots rang out and her body fell slowly to the floor.
“Fuck…Kalie, I can't lose you to!” I yelled out. Running over to her body, I could hear someone laughing in the room. But all of a sudden, it was pitch black and I couldn't see shit. The last thing I remember is Joe standing over me with a gun before he pulled the trigger.
Chapter 5
This nigga got me all the way fucked up if he thinks he’s about to play me like I'm some kind of jump off. Ayce and I have been together on and off for almost three years, and this nigga ain't said nothing about us being just fuck buddies until that hoe Ava came around. I know they have history, but that shit is in the past and I am his future. She already had her chance, but she fucked it up when she fucked his nigga. He was so hurt by what she did to him, but I slid on in there and made sure he was well taken care of. I have worked too hard to claim this spot and I’d be damned if that bitch comes and takes it away from me.
I am beyond pissed and really in my feelings right now. After the funeral, I was so embarrassed by the way Ayce treated me, I got in my car and just drove. I had to think of a way to get rid of Ava and keep my man. Nigga's like Ayce didn't come around often. He was one nigga out of fifty that wasn't trying to aspire to be a kingpin. He was actually in school to be a lawyer, and hated living in the hood as much as I did. He was my golden ticket up outta the hood. I used to want to be a teacher until I looked at myself in the mirror one day. I was what niggas call a redbone. From my hazel eyes to my 24-inches of red Brazilian hair that hung down to my fat ass, to my small waist and perky tits, I could have any nigga I wanted. But the only one my heart beats for is Ayce.
Tired of driving nowhere, I decided to get a drink at the local bar. It was a Saturday so of course it was jumping. I found a spot at the bar and ordered me a Sex on the Beach. Three drinks later I was on the dance floor dancing to Future’s “Blow a Bag”. Some nigga was all up on me, feeling on my ass, and I let it ride for a while because I was feeling the alcohol pumping through my veins.
Turning to face him, I was not mad at what I seen. This nigga was hella fine. He puts me in mind of T.I. and I would be lying if I said my pussy didn't cream when he wrapped me in his arms. He smelled of Polo, and it is the same cologne Ayce wears. I nestled in his embrace and pretended he was Ayce.
When he kissed me on my neck, he made me weak. It felt so good and for a moment, I contemplated leaving the bar with him, but as much as my body needed to be sucked and fucked, he was no Ayce and my body belonged to only him.
“Thanks for the dance,” I said walking away from him.
“No, thank you, but don't run away so fast,” he said grabbing my elbow. “Can I get yo’ number so we can keep in touch, maybe go out and get a bite to eat?” he asked licking his lips.
I thought for a moment and decided to give it to him. Nothing wrong with having friends, right?
“What’s your name?” I asked him as he pulled out his phone to put my number in it.
“Nice to meet you Lynx, I'm Remy.”
After a couple more drinks, I was more than drunk and kinda feeling myself.
Lynx and I were on the dance floor, and I couldn't keep my hands to myself.
“Keep it up and you’re going to find what you looking for,” he said grabbing my ass.
“Oh, I'm ready, so let's get up outta here,” I said leading him out of the bar.
Chapter 6
The way Ayce checked Remy made my pussy jump. She better be lucky he checked her and not me. I stood
there looking at all that milk chocolate in his black-tailored Armani suit. His hair was cut into a low fade and his side burns connected to his beard just like I liked it, looking just like Camell Page. The whole time he was talking I could only focus on his thick, sexy lips. I watched as he unbuttoned his jacket so he could get inside his car and was almost tempted to get in with him. Instead, I made my way to my car. I peeped someone sitting off in the cut, in an old blue Chevy Storm with tinted windows. The same car sat here the whole service and no one got out the car. It could be nothing, but I felt as if the person in the car was watching me. I shake the feeling off getting into my car, so I could go handle some business since my daddy is out of town.
This nigga, Rino owes my daddy 25g's and keeps telling the same lame ass excuse of his crew getting robbed, every time Rufus goes to collect my daddy’s money. I don't care if those soft ass niggas are getting robbed, he better have my daddy’s money this time or its lights out for him. Pulling up to Rino's trap, I kill the engine and check my makeup before I get out the car. My .22 automatic is easily tucked out of sight, but easy for me to grab as well. I walk up to the already open door and enter the house. A nigga I assume to be one of his goons, walks up to me licking his lips.
“You the finest looking crackhead I have ever seen. Whateva you want you can have it for free,” he said grabbing his dick through his pants.
Is this muthafucka for real… I mean is he serious? I couldn't help but laugh as he continued to undress me with his eyes.
“What you can do is tell Rino to get his ass out here.”
“Why, who the fuck are you?”
“You don't need to know all that, just know we got business to take care of.”
“Yeah, okay,” he said turning his back on me.
As soon as he turned around, I pulled out my gun and shot him in the head. This nigga was one of the reasons Rino's shit kept coming up short… giving people free shit.